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SAB Learning and Development Opportunities

The East Sussex SAB provides a well-attended multi-agency training program, which covers a range of safeguarding topics, including e-learning and face to face courses.

These courses are open to staff from a range of agencies who provide services to residents of East Sussex.

Current Training

Scrabble tiles spelling learnThe current East Sussex SAB training programme includes the following courses:

  • Self-neglect
  • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005: A Multi-agency Approach to Complex Cases
  • Adopting a Whole Family Approach to Domestic Abuse
  • Coercion and Control


Domestic Abuse

East Sussex Domestic & Sexual Violence & Abuse & Violence Against Women & Girls Training Prospectus for 2023-2024

The prospectus contains training course details (online and face to face), booking details, and costs if applicable.

Courses are suitable for any worker/volunteer who may have contact with people experiencing DSVA. The course link will provide more detail around the course content, audience, and duration.

If you want to find out about safeguarding training or apply for a place, please visit the East Sussex Learning Portal.