Our Purpose and Vision
Our vision is for all agencies to work together effectively to enable the citizens of East Sussex to live free from abuse and neglect and to widely promote the message that safeguarding is everybody’s business.
The purpose of the East Sussex SAB is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
We do this by:
- Gaining assurance that local safeguarding arrangements are in place as defined by the Care Act and its statutory guidance.
- Ensuring that the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal are central to safeguarding and practice is person-centred and outcome-focused.
- Working collaboratively with our partner agencies to prevent abuse and neglect where possible.
- Ensuring responses when abuse and neglect has occurred are timely and proportionate.
- Striving for continuous improvement in safeguarding practice and supporting partner agencies to embed learning from local and national Safeguarding Adults Reviews, other learning reviews and multi-agency audits.
Prevention, Engagement and Making Safeguarding Personal
The SAB strategic plan has a strong focus on prevention, engagement and making safeguarding personal. The SAB Communication and Engagement Strategy sets out how we plan to achieve this objective.
Three Core Duties
Under the Care Act 2014, every SAB must fulfil three core duties. Click on the links below to find out more about each statutory requirement.
SABs must publish a Strategic Plan outlining how we will meet our objectives and how our partner agencies will contribute to this work. Our sets out our current priorities.
Each a SAB must publish Annual Report detailing how effective our work has been and setting out priorities for the year ahead.
SABs must arrange for Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) to be undertaken when the criteria under the Care Act are met.
This East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board Complaints Policy is for members of the public who have a complaint in relation to any of the three core duties which the SAB is responsible for.