1. East Sussex SAB
  2. Safeguarding guidance
  3. SAB guidance and protocols

SAB guidance and protocols

Abuse and neglect

Adult death protocol and referral form

Sussex adult death protocol 

Follow this protocol when there is:

  • an unexpected adult death, and
  • abuse or neglect by a third party may have directly contributed to the death. 

The protocol ensures key agencies come together promptly to assess risk and share information.

Referral form

Adult death protocol referral form 

Email the form to the relevant Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub listed on the referral form.

Adult death learning briefing

Adult death protocol - learning briefing 

A concise guide for practitioners and managers.

Safeguarding adult reviews (SARs)

See Safeguarding adult reviews guidance

Safeguarding adults thresholds guidance

Safeguarding adults thresholds guidance 

The three Sussex SABs produced this guide. It explains when to report safeguarding concerns and how to respond to reports.

It provides a framework for multi-agency partners to help:

  • manage risk
  • identify whether abuse and neglect is taking place
  • know when they should refer a safeguarding concern to the local authority
  • decide when to consider alternative actions.

Local Government Association (LGA) guidance

Guidance to ensure consistent multi-agency practice when reporting and recording safeguarding concerns.

Understanding what constitutes a safeguarding concern | LGA

Guidance on whether a reported concern requires an enquiry under section 42 of the Care Act 2014.

Making decisions on the duty to carry out safeguarding adults enquiries | LGA

Domestic and financial abuse

Domestic abuse

Multi-agency domestic abuse guidance [156.5 KB] [docx]

Designed for professionals working with adults affected by domestic abuse. This guidance explains how to respond to abuse and safeguard adults and children.

Reviews into deaths from domestic abuse | Safe in East Sussex

A domestic abuse-related death review (DARDR) takes place if someone aged over 16 has: 

  • died due to violence, abuse or neglect; and
  • the perpetrator is a household member, relative or intimate partner

They were previously called domestic homicide reviews.

Financial abuse

Use this multi-agency guidance and screening tool to respond to financial abuse:

Multi-agency guidance - financial abuse [142.3 KB] [docx]

Financial abuse screening tool [52.8 KB] [docx]


Responding to hoarding behaviour | Brighton and Hove SAB

Guidance for practitioners on working with people in hoarding situations. 

Incidents of harm between adults in a provider setting

Responding to incidents of harm between adults in a provider setting [714.8 KB] [docx]

Advice on how to deal with abusive or harmful behaviour in a service. It includes:

  • provider responsibilities
  • actions to support and protect both the adult at risk and the person thought to cause the risk
  • preventing incidents between adults at risk
  • when to raise a safeguarding concern and report a possible crime
  • how the Local Authority respond to a report of a safeguarding concern

Mental capacity

Policy and procedures

Mental capacity multi-agency policy and procedures [179.4 KB] [docx]

This is a guide to the Mental Capacity Act (MCA). It explains how agencies should apply the MCA in East Sussex.

Mental capacity toolkit

Mental capacity toolkit | Bournemouth University

Use this toolkit when working with people with limited, fluctuating or absent decision-making capacity.

Modern slavery

Multi-agency guidance

Multi-agency modern slavery guidance [100.5 KB] [docx]

The Care Act 2014 includes modern slavery as a type of abuse, as well as a serious crime. This guide helps to:

  • raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking
  • recognise modern slavery and have the confidence to report suspected cases.

Use the guide alongside your own procedures and the Sussex safeguarding adults policy and procedures.


Modern slavery podcast | YouTube

Our 7-minute podcast covers modern slavery in East Sussex and how to report it.

Multi-agency working

Escalation and resolution

Sussex safeguarding adults escalation and resolution protocol

This process is used to resolve disagreements between agencies or professionals in relation to adult safeguarding.

Information sharing

Sussex information sharing guide and protocol

This sets out how the Sussex SAB’s partner agencies should share information to safeguard adults. It has guidance on record keeping and information sharing in safeguarding meetings and discussions. 

Information sharing -  Learning briefing

This briefing includes an overview, practice questions and links to resources.

Partnership protocol

Partnership protocol 2022 to 24 [656.9 KB] [docx]

This sets out the commitment across the strategic partnership boards in East Sussex:

  • Safeguarding Adults Board
  • Safeguarding Children Partnership
  • Safer Communities Partnership
  • Children and Young Peoples Trust
  • Health and Wellbeing Board

These partnerships are working together to:

  • ensure that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
  • to keep people in East Sussex safe from harm and abuse
  • improve health and wellbeing.

Transition to adulthood

Multi-agency transition to adulthood protocol | Safeguarding Children Partnership

This protocol covers the transition of vulnerable young people into adulthood. It helps to ensure that all professionals are clear about their role and responsibilities. 

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